Tag: #ILPS

Resist, Rise and Fight Back for the Bright Future – ILPS

Left Review Online September 24, 2024

Resist, Rise and Fight Back for the Bright Future – ILPS

On the Occasion of the United Nations Summit of the Future The International League of Peoples’ Struggle stands with the people across the globe who face impacts of the intensifying imperialist wars of aggression and the climate, food and debt crises that have left the masses devastated. Millions...More

Just Struggle for a Just Peace!

Left Review Online September 22, 2024

Just Struggle for a Just Peace!

Statement on the Occasion of International Peace Day The International League of Peoples’ Struggle marks another International Peace Day with grave trepidation at the ever-growing threat of all-out world war, with indignant rage at the unrelenting attacks directed against the people and their organized movements, and with rising...More

To Realize International Peace, Resist US-Led War !

Left Review Online September 22, 2024

To Realize International Peace, Resist US-Led War !

As the UN marks its 43rd commemoration of the International Day of Peace today, wars of aggression, occupation and intervention cover the globe, waged principally by the US and its proxies to secure control over territory, natural resources, and markets in a multi-polar world. The people now face...More

Venezuela launches an international campaign against Fascism and Neo-fascism

Left Review Online September 20, 2024

Venezuela launches an international campaign against Fascism and Neo-fascism

On September 10-11, 2024 in Caracas, Venezuela, 1200 people, including 500 international participants from more than 95 countries gathered for the first “Congreso Mundial contra el Fascismo, el Neofascismo y Expresiones Similares” (World Congress against Fascism, Neo Fascism and Similar Expressions). Social and political leaders from some of...More

ILPS successfully holds the 7th International Assembly

Left Review Online July 13, 2024

ILPS successfully holds the 7th International Assembly

Kathmandu. The globally renowned international revolutionary organization, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) successfully held its historic 7th International Assembly (7IA) on June 21-24, 2024 in Penang, Malaysia with the theme, “Defeat Imperialism! Win Our Socialist Future!: Build a Peoples’ United Front to Fight Against Imperialist Plunder,...More

Socialism is the only worthy future for mankind

Irina Malenko June 16, 2024

Socialism is the only worthy future for mankind

More than ten years ago I wrote a book. It was a book about daily life of an ordinary family in a socialist society. I was born and grew up in the USSR and emigrated at the time of the destruction of our socialist country. Having lived for...More

Stop US-backed Zionist Israel’s Siege and Occupation in Palestine! Support Palestinian Resistance!

Left Review Online May 15, 2021

Stop US-backed Zionist Israel’s Siege and Occupation in Palestine! Support Palestinian Resistance!

Kathmandu. The International League of Peoples’ Struggle commemorated Nakba Day in remembrance of the genocide perpetrated by the war criminal David Ben Gurion on May 15, 1948, for the creation of the state of Israel. Issuing an official statement on May 14, ILPS has strongly condemned the gruesome violence...More

Stop the Fascist Attacks against the People of Colombia, Long Live the Colombian Peoples’ Struggle – ILPS

Left Review Online May 05, 2021

Stop the Fascist Attacks against the People of Colombia, Long Live the Colombian Peoples’ Struggle – ILPS

Kathmandu. The International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS) along with its member organizations, country chapters, and allied networks have called for urgent international solidarity with the people of Colombia who are currently suffering from massacres, violent police brutality, arrests and disappearances over mass demonstrations against the government’s tax,...More

In Honor of William Ramsey Clark

Prof. Jose Maria Sison April 15, 2021

In Honor of William Ramsey Clark

I wish to convey my sincerest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of my friend and legal counsel William Ramsey Clark who passed away last April 9, 2021. I have the highest regard for him as a champion of human rights, a staunch defender of the people’s...More

US-South Korea War Game, Detrimental to Peace

Left Review Online April 07, 2021

US-South Korea War Game, Detrimental to Peace

Kathmandu. The International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) condemns the joint US-South Korea War Drill that started on March 8. In the ILPS press statement signed by Chairperson Len Cooper, it states, "The International League of People’s Struggle (ILPS) joins the Korean people and the people of the...More

Stop Neoliberalization of Agriculture – ILPS Philippines

Left Review Online February 27, 2021

Stop Neoliberalization of Agriculture – ILPS Philippines

Kathmandu. The International League of Peoples’ Struggle Philippines extends its solidarity with the Indian farmers protesting in the Indian capital city, New Delhi, against the anti-peasant Agriculture Laws and Policies of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Issuing a solidarity statement on 26 February 2021, the ILPS Philippines says, "The International...More

ILPS condemns the brutal murder of Tomas Martinez

Left Review Online August 30, 2020

ILPS condemns the brutal murder of Tomas Martinez

Kathmandu. International League of Peoples' struggle (ILPS) has condemned the brutal murder of Tomas Matinez De La Sierra Sur. ILPS, an international network of anti-imperialist and democratic forces that strives to realize the unity, cooperation and coordination of anti-imperialist and democratic struggles throughout the world, has issued a media...More

ILPS Philippines condemns the killing of Filipino HR activist Zara Alvarez

Left Review Online August 28, 2020

ILPS Philippines condemns the killing of Filipino HR activist Zara Alvarez

Kathmandu. International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS) Philippines condemns the brutal killing of Filipino human right activist Zara Alvarez. Issuing a statement, ILPS Philipines condemned the killing. Full text of the statement: The International League of Peoples’ Struggle Philippines strongly condemns the murder of human rights worker Zara...More

Assassination of Tomas Martínez Pinacho is condemned – ILPS LA

Left Review Online August 27, 2020

Assassination of Tomas Martínez Pinacho is condemned – ILPS LA

Kathmandu. International League of People's Struggle (ILPS) Latin America has condemned the assassination of the Veteran Mexican peasant leader comrade Tomas Martínez Pinacho de la Sierra Sur. Florentino López Martínez, National President of the FPR and Vice President of the ILPS for Latin America issued a media statement condemning his...More

Justice for Zara Alvarez and Ka Randy Echanis!

Left Review Online August 25, 2020

Justice for Zara Alvarez and Ka Randy Echanis!

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the people’s movement of the Philippines and international voices of solidarity in demanding justice for the murder of Zara Alvarez, a human rights activist, paralegal and a member of the Negros Integrated Health Program. She was shot down in the street in...More